Park Spirou to debut company’s latest hi-tech media based rides
UK-based dynamic media attractions specialist Simworx has announced that it is to provide three major attractions to a brand new park scheduled to open in France in 2018.
Parc Spirou, which is currently under construction at a site in the area of Beaulieu in Monteux, close to Avignon in southern France, will bring to life the well-known comic book character Spirou and his friends, popular for many years with young children as well as parents and grandparents.
Simworx will supply three key attractions for the venue, all of which will incorporate the most recent technological developments available to provide Parc Spirou and its visitors with a group of the latest, cutting edge, media based attractions.
Among these will be an example of Simworx’s popular Immersive Tunnel attraction. The ride features a 30-seat vehicle based upon Simworx’s exclusively produced ride film, Dinosaur Island. Accompanied by a pre-show staring Spirou himself, the Immersive Tunnel is a totally immersive experience for all ages. Once through the pre-show, Spirou will join visitors seated on a jeep styled simulator, which after a short journey along a track into the main show area will take them on a fun-filled dinosaur adventure.
Also being provided by Simworx is another media based attraction based on the company’s highly dynamic, 6DOF, 8 -seater Stargazer Motion Theatre. Themed around Gaston Legaffe, a character from the Spirou universe, a total of four Stargazer units will be utilised within the attraction which will see visitors involved in a mad cap adventure with, Gaston, an enthusiastic inventor who often ends up in trouble!
The third of the Simworx rides to be installed at Parc Spirou will be the very first example of the company’s AGV (Advanced Guidance Vehicle) dark ride, which takes the genre to a whole new level. With no track or power cables and vehicle acceleration that is unrivalled in the industry, the themed attraction will be based on an educational and ‘amazing, magical’ story featuring Spirou and several of his friends. The 8-seater rider vehicles will be themed as Spirou’s car and will be capable of 360° rotation along with forwards and sideways movement, all combined with a custom designed AV solution.
“The new park provides another opportunity for us to showcase our expertise in developing major, custom-built attractions created around specific character IPs and themes,” said Simworx Managing Director Terry Monkton. “And we are particularly excited that among the products we are supplying will be the first example of our new AGV dark ride which I know will be a great themed attraction that visitors will thoroughly enjoy.”