Simworx is a family. We work together, have fun together and enjoy spending time together. We all look out for one another and work well to get the job done not just efficiently but to the highest standard. When you join our team you’ll instantly feel welcomed by our friendly colleagues. We want you to feel at home with us and included. We listen to our team when making decisions, ask for feedback and work to improve where we can. We start initiatives to solve problems and to evolve with changing expectations to ensure we are a company that is always changing for the better. Not only do we listen but we’re also open with our staff, we all sit down every once in a while and allow everybody to ask questions about the work we’re doing, where we’re going and our goals.
We value our team, their creativity, their passion and love for what they do. We look for team players, problem solvers and imaginative thinkers to employ that can help our company grow.